Losse muziek


1. Peace

If all the children together,
‘round the world, joined hand in hand,
would life finally get better?
Would peace dawn in the end? 1)

2. It takes a village

It takes a village to raise a child
and all the love and compassion we can find.
It takes our heart and soul
to reach the ultimate goal:
a world of peace for all mankind. 

3. World of peace

This world of peace is so much more
than the end of a fight or the absence of a war.
This world of peace is only found
when we act by the words of the Sermon on the Mount: 

4. Peacemakers

“Blessed, blessed,
blessed are the peacemakers;
for they shall be called
the children of God. 2)
Aren’t we all the children of God?
We are all the children of God.

5. The new ‘we’

I tell you: we
means you and me
and not just me and you,
but all the others too.
To live in peace all together,
you and I must do our part.
Knowing life will just get better,
when peace lives in our hearts. 1)

1) Verse 1 and 5: original song: J. Jong

2) Mattheus 5 vers 9

Hans Reinold
Hans Reinold
Apostolisch Genootschap
Gemengdkoor SATB
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